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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620305

Geschlecht : Male
Age : 45
Wohnort : Japan
はじめまして 日本の東京で住んでいる 韓国人です名前はキムです メッセージが出来友達が欲しいので 良かったら仲良くなりたいです 韓国のドラマと映画が好きです 色んな話したい...
Geschlecht : Male
Age : 23
Wohnort : Korea
대학생입니다. 일본어 공부를 시작한지 한달 되어서 히라가나만 외웠습니다. 일본어 공부에 도움이 될까 해서 시작하게 되었습니다. 번역기를 사용해가며 공부할 예정입니다 편하게 메일...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 49
Wohnort : Germany
Hi, my name is Svenja, I like traveling, sport, nature and listening to music. Actually, I am learning Korean, Japanese and Chinese. If you like to write in English or learning German, please feel fre...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 38
Wohnort : Chile
Konnichiwa, annyeonghaseyoI like reading about History and religion. I also enjoy reading manga, manhwa and manhua. I m currently working on a small project of mine a manga librarySadly, I m not able ...
Geschlecht : Male
Age : 59
Wohnort : Korea
안녕하세요. 울산시에 살고 있고 회사원입니다 취미는 여행과 목공을 좋아합니다 오래전에 일본 취업을 한적이있고 여러번 여행을 하였고 8월에는 시모노세키와 히로시마를 여행을 하였...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 45
Wohnort : Japan
Nice to meet you. My hobby is listening to music and reading books. I also like making accessories. English is not very good. I want to make friends with the person in various countrie...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 22
Wohnort : Indonesia
Hi, I m Naya. I m a Japanese Literature student. I m interested in other cultures. Maybe you can tell me about your culture. Also, I want to improve my Japanese and English. No matter where you come f...
HI! PENPAL! : Website for making Korean Penpal, Korean Friends, Japanese Penpal, Japanese Friends.
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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620305

Geschlecht : Male
Age : 45
Wohnort : Japan
はじめまして 日本の東京で住んでいる 韓国人です名前はキムです メッセージが出来友達が欲しいので 良かったら仲良くなりたいです 韓国のドラマと映画が好きです 色んな話したい...
Geschlecht : Male
Age : 23
Wohnort : Korea
대학생입니다. 일본어 공부를 시작한지 한달 되어서 히라가나만 외웠습니다. 일본어 공부에 도움이 될까 해서 시작하게 되었습니다. 번역기를 사용해가며 공부할 예정입니다 편하게 메일...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 49
Wohnort : Germany
Hi, my name is Svenja, I like traveling, sport, nature and listening to music. Actually, I am learning Korean, Japanese and Chinese. If you like to write in English or learning German, please feel fre...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 38
Wohnort : Chile
Konnichiwa, annyeonghaseyoI like reading about History and religion. I also enjoy reading manga, manhwa and manhua. I m currently working on a small project of mine a manga librarySadly, I m not able ...
Geschlecht : Male
Age : 59
Wohnort : Korea
안녕하세요. 울산시에 살고 있고 회사원입니다 취미는 여행과 목공을 좋아합니다 오래전에 일본 취업을 한적이있고 여러번 여행을 하였고 8월에는 시모노세키와 히로시마를 여행을 하였...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 45
Wohnort : Japan
Nice to meet you. My hobby is listening to music and reading books. I also like making accessories. English is not very good. I want to make friends with the person in various countrie...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 22
Wohnort : Indonesia
Hi, I m Naya. I m a Japanese Literature student. I m interested in other cultures. Maybe you can tell me about your culture. Also, I want to improve my Japanese and English. No matter where you come f...