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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620253

Geschlecht : Male
Age : 28
Wohnort : Korea
안녕하세요 예전에 펜팔을 했었지만, 개인사정으로 친구와의 인연이 끊어졌어요 그래서 다시 소중한 친구가 생겼으면 좋겠다 생각해서 다시 찾았어요 성격이 조용한 편이기 때문에 활...
Geschlecht : Male
Age : 31
Wohnort : Korea
こんにちは 私は日本が好きな92年生まれのおうし座の男です 現在 韓国では大学病院で男性看護師として働いています 日本の文化 食べ物 風景などが好きです 日本旅行も好きでよく行...
Geschlecht : Male
Age : 33
Wohnort : Finland
HiMy name is Andre and I m from Finland. I have dreams about my future. I wanted to be a game designer and I might be still dreaming about it. I also want to draw my own comic book. I do hope my dream...
Geschlecht : Male
Age : 41
Wohnort : Korea
日本が好きで愛するサンヒョンと申します 韓国について関心がたくさんある友達を探しています お互いの文化について一緒に勉強して お互いに旅行する時にガイドもしてくれる人が...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 41
Wohnort : Poland
Hello. I m from Poland. I would like to talk to the people from other countries preferably people who are around my age or a bit older ,learn about foreign cultures and make friends if possible .I m...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 33
Wohnort : Japan
안녕하세요 저는 아카리라고 합니다 일본인입니다 한국어를 공부 하고 있어요 한국여행을 좋아해요 서울, 부산에 가봤어요 취미는 음막 듣기 쇼핑 카페 가기 드라마 보기 오래 연락할수 ...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 19
Wohnort : Sri Lanka
Hi everyone. I m 19 years old from Sri Lanka. I would like to learn different cultures and would like to talk to people from different countries. I like reading, watching anime and listening to music....
HI! PENPAL! : Website for making Korean Penpal, Korean Friends, Japanese Penpal, Japanese Friends.
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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620253

Geschlecht : Male
Age : 28
Wohnort : Korea
안녕하세요 예전에 펜팔을 했었지만, 개인사정으로 친구와의 인연이 끊어졌어요 그래서 다시 소중한 친구가 생겼으면 좋겠다 생각해서 다시 찾았어요 성격이 조용한 편이기 때문에 활...
Geschlecht : Male
Age : 31
Wohnort : Korea
こんにちは 私は日本が好きな92年生まれのおうし座の男です 現在 韓国では大学病院で男性看護師として働いています 日本の文化 食べ物 風景などが好きです 日本旅行も好きでよく行...
Geschlecht : Male
Age : 33
Wohnort : Finland
HiMy name is Andre and I m from Finland. I have dreams about my future. I wanted to be a game designer and I might be still dreaming about it. I also want to draw my own comic book. I do hope my dream...
Geschlecht : Male
Age : 41
Wohnort : Korea
日本が好きで愛するサンヒョンと申します 韓国について関心がたくさんある友達を探しています お互いの文化について一緒に勉強して お互いに旅行する時にガイドもしてくれる人が...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 41
Wohnort : Poland
Hello. I m from Poland. I would like to talk to the people from other countries preferably people who are around my age or a bit older ,learn about foreign cultures and make friends if possible .I m...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 33
Wohnort : Japan
안녕하세요 저는 아카리라고 합니다 일본인입니다 한국어를 공부 하고 있어요 한국여행을 좋아해요 서울, 부산에 가봤어요 취미는 음막 듣기 쇼핑 카페 가기 드라마 보기 오래 연락할수 ...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 19
Wohnort : Sri Lanka
Hi everyone. I m 19 years old from Sri Lanka. I would like to learn different cultures and would like to talk to people from different countries. I like reading, watching anime and listening to music....