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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620753

Geschlecht : Female
Age : 32
Wohnort : Sweden
Just a withdrawn, quiet, emotional, negative, teary eyed lone wolf who came across this site when she was roaming around on the interne...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 37
Wohnort : Japan
はじめまして シングルで5歳のママしてます 韓国ドラマ・ご飯・お洋服・音楽どれも大好きです 音楽はCNBLUEが大好きです イ・ジェフンさんもすきです 韓国ドラマや音楽などおすすめ...
Geschlecht : Male
Age : 50
Wohnort : Korea
こんにちは 私は日本の文化に興味があって日本語は勉強中ですが初心者レベルです 日本旅行も好きですが時間的な問題で機会があれば一度ずつ行く方です お互いに負担をかけずに日...
Geschlecht : Male
Age : 44
Wohnort : Korea
chef. good personality. I am currently working as a manager of a food company. I m looking for a friend of good character. Appearance doesn t matt...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 22
Wohnort : Japan
안녕하세요 저는 01년생 일본사람입니다한국어를 공부하고 있습니다. 아직 전혀 말을 할 수 없어서 번역기를 사용하고 있습니다… 음악 KPOP 과 드라마를 좋아합니다. 서로의 언어를 가르...
Geschlecht : Male
Age : 21
Wohnort : Korea
HelloI am a university student in Korea. I want to make many friends from other countries Feel free to talk to meドモ私は韓国の大校生です. ほかのくにのともだちをたくさんつくりたいです. 楽に連絡してくだ...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 41
Wohnort : Iran
hi i m interested in different cultures, especially Korean culture and language. i like to travel and visit historical buildings. If you think we can be friends, send me a message, hope to make good f...